Fire and Ice. T-shirt design submission for emergency benefit. While it was fantastic the Vancouver Canucks won the Stanley Cup in 2011, the riot that broke out after was pretty shocking. I happened to be in town and was deeply saddened. A designers group posted a call for entries, and the proceeds would help offset the cost of damages to local businesses.
It's the Bomb! Internal book design elements in Troubletown Told You So, by Lloyd Dangle. Who knew folios could be such a blast?
Wire yes, don't mind if I do. Here's a project from a 3-D design course I took at UC Extension, taught by Bay Area design guru Bruce Yelaska. The assignment was to design and build a package for an egg using any kind of material. I chose to use chicken wire in the form of a birth canal. It was meant to represent protection, incubation, natural process, and the fragility of life.
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